Wednesday, October 18, 2006


i wonder into your world, i see a part of you i don't see everyday,
you're full of joy, sometimes sorrow, sometimes clueless,
but i want to find out about you, and here are a few

you regret everytime you cut your hair, but it always turns out right, sometimes.
you make little things sound important, even if it's a rainy day or an injection.
you are always tricked into doing something you don't want to. LoL. I guess that's because of your blur-ness.
you dare to try something new, even if it's dangerous.
you have good chemistry with kids.
you are funny. though you don't realize.
you love chocolates.
you are in my mind, in my dreams, in my thoughts, in my words, in my head, in my life

i won't be able to list them all, cause frankly, i don't really know much.

it's funny that i think too much. sometimes i feel i can't get to you.

maybe it's just me. again. i should get some sleep. haha.


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