Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Yesterday my friend told me that there are worst things that could have happened to me, so I should be grateful. It's true. I know I'm going through a difficult time. We all have our problems, but sometimes we must also appreciate what we have around us at the moment.

I was blog walking and I happened to see my friend was involved in an accident. Looking at the picture of the car, It hit me. Things can go horribly wrong any second. It's really scary that one minute you're alive and you might not be the next. I'm really glad that she's all right and so are her friends.

I know I've done bad. I know I might or might not get the chance to make it right. But I'll appreciate all the things around me, little or big. I'll keep on working my way back, I'll stay positive, I'll look at the bright side, because I am grateful that I'm alive today and I have so much to be thankful of.

I'll do whatever I can. :)

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