April 4-Chester Bennington From Linkin Park @KLCC Tower Records
April 7- Hitz.FM 10th Birthday Bash
April 8-Kanye West "Touch The Sky" Tour
April 9-Day i get my exam result
April 21-Good Charlotte Live in KL !!!
I'll be attending the birthday bash to support my favourite radio station! I've been listening to for a very long time now i'm turning 19 and they are turning 10 ! WooTs
I'm gonna skip Kanye West, sadly.. Cause i'm going for Good Charlotte !!! Love their new album, Good Morning Revival.
Well i'm only into two songs from the album right now, Misery and The River.
I'm hoping Relient K would drop by, but it would be impossible. I don't see a Relient K fan base in Malaysia. Sadly.
Relient K is one hell of a band, though music critics consider them poppy instead of punk. They are actually a christian band. *I couldn't believe either*. Well anyway, they just released Five Score And Seven Years Ago. Different people have different taste.
Another Album to be expect would be Linkin Park's Minutes To Midnight. I've already heard what i've done , the first single on YouTube. I think it's only the demo. I don't want to be disappointed. I'm heading over to KLCC to catch Chester though. Wonder what is he doing here anyway.
Life's great. Well, there are a lot of happenings, which somehow i couldn't avoid, or maybe caused by me myself. But everything just slowly patch into one piece at the end, and i just am so grateful.
Until then..